Minggu, 13 September 2020



5 komentar:

  1. Hi.....
    My name is syafira anastasya salsabillah (29) grade 12 MIPA 7
    After I saw the video from my response group, the river is always used as a garbage dump, starting from household and factory waste, this garbage can disrupt the life of the animals in the river and cause the river to be unsightly. Even though now they have been given a warning not to throw garbage in the river, the residents still act arbitrarily. I hope the residents will soon realize that it pollutes the river. That's all for my response, thank you🙏.

  2. Hello my name is Balqis Laurel Zuharah (06) from MIPA 7'18. I think your group video is interesting because it can provide knowledge to the community about the importance of keeping the river clean.

  3. Hi
    My name is Anggi Laila Efendi (04) Mipa 7'18
    After seeing your video, there are still a lot of people who are still littering in the river and not aware of the consequences. They should immediately leave this habit and start caring about the pepper environment. Your video is very helpful, clear explanation and accompanied by accurate data

  4. hello my name is Imelda Adistya Ayu Nuradilah (18) from MIPA 7'18. After seeing your video, it turns out that there are still many people who litter even though they know the cause of littering. Your video is very interesting and can give knowledge to the public about the importance of keeping the river clean.

  5. Hello, My name is SILFARATIH absent 28 from grade MIPA7'18.I think this video can educate the public in maintaining the cleanliness of the river, and it has helped a lot, especially for those in Manggihan, to make them aware of the importance of keeping the river clean and the dangers of throwing garbage in the river. the negative impact of throwing garbage in the river is not only humans who will accept the risk but also the living things that are in it. Therefore, I hope that everyone who sees this video will realize the importance of protecting the environment. There is one thing that might make viewers of this video feel bored because the video is so long. Thank you🤗
